just my opinions about art gallery, art laboratory and and library and education of arts than is blogspot to art discriptions and art work and art jobs : paintings, drawings, sketchings...Likewise about the network of the work like the museum, the art gallery and the library and the publication media of the book etc..
Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009
Pada tahun 1916 lahir seni yang disebut aliran Dadaisme, di Zurich (Cabaret Voltaire). Merupakan aliran yang sifatnya eksperimental,bentuk modern yang menentang tradisional. Penyajian karya menampilakan material yang non artistik. Menolak semua hukum-hukum dan keindahan seni yang telah ada, anti perasaan dan cenderung merefleksi kekasaran karena akibat peperangan. Merupakan pemberontakan terhadap orang-orang yang salah kepercayaan atau faham. Karya-karyanya bersifat main-main dan dapat menimbulkan shock. Pada akhirnya menjadi gerakan politik di Berlin dan Paris di tahun 1922.
Tokoh-tokohnya antara lain:
Hans Arp (Perancis), Max Ernst(Jerman)
Raoul Haussmann (Jerman), G. Grose
Marcel Duchamp
In 1916 the birth of art called Dada flow, in Zurich (Cabaret Voltaire). Is the flow that are experimental, traditional against modern forms. Presentation of the work menampilakan non-artistic materials. Reject all laws and existing beauty of art, anti-sense and tend to reflect the roughness due to the war. It is a rebellion against those who wrong belief or ideology. His works are playful and can lead to shock. In the end a political movement in Berlin and Paris in 1922.
His characters include:
Hans Arp (French), Max Ernst (Germany)
Raoul Haussmann (Germany), G. Grose
Marcel Duchamp
Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009
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