Jumat, 13 Februari 2009


Aliran ini merupakan salah satu bentuk seni abstrak. merupakan seni lukis yang tanpa bentuk tanpa figur tertentu, melainkan susunan geometris yang selalu diulang dengan teratur dan rapi.

This current was one of the forms of art abstrak. was the painting that was amorphous without the certain figure, but the geometric composition that always was repeated by being arranged and neat

Dengan adanya permainan warna yang gelap terang
sehingga menimbulkan efek pandangan yang menarik.
Seolah olah mata kita tertipu dengan adanya ilusi
keruangan yang terjadi pada lukisan tersebut.
Tokohnya al. : Victor Vasarely, Bridget Riley,
Yaacov Gipstein, Tandasuke Kawayama

With the existence of the game of the unclear colour obviously

so as to cause the effect of the interesting view.

Appear to process our eyes was cheated with the existence of

the illusion keruangan that happened in this painting.

His leading figure of Al. : Victor Vasarely,


Riley, Yaacov Gipstein, Tandasuke Kawayama


Pada tahun 1907 lahir aliran baru yang disebut Kubisme. Munculnya aliran ini merupakan kelanjutan dari pandangan Cezanne tentang suatu pengenalan bentuk patung-patung Primitif dari Afrika dan Iberia. Konsepsi tentang bentuk dan ruang serta pandangan tentang pola geometris, yang didapatkan dari pandangan tentang penyederhanaan tentang bentuk-bentuk di alam.

During 1907 was born the new current that was acknowledged as Cubism. This current emergence was continuation of the Cezanne view about an introduction to the form of Primitive statues from Africa and Iberia. Conception about the form and space as well as the view about the geometric pattern, that was obtained from the view about the simplification about forms in the wild.

Pada aliran ini tidak lagi terikat bentuk-bentuk di alam nyata serta warna-warnanya . Tampak penonjolan pada garis dan pengolahan warna yang sangat subyektif. Dengan obyek-obyek bentuk kubistis dan geometris seperti : lingkaran, segi tiga, segi empat, kerucut dsb. Dengan tokoh sentral al. : Pablo Picasso dan George Braque

To this current no longer was tied by forms in the wild real as well as his colours. Apparently the exposure to the line and the processing of the very subjective colour. With objects of the form kubistis and geometric like: the circle, the triangle, the quadrangle, the cone etc.. With the leading figure of Al's centre. : Pablo Picasso and George Braque