Pada sekitar abad 18 hampir tidak ada lukisan yang ambil obyek langsung dari alam . Adanya hanya hasil konstruksi dari berbagai obyek alam yang disatukan dalam sebuah lukisan.
In around the age 18 did not almost have the painting that took the direct object from nature. The existence of only results of the construction of various objects of nature that was united in a painting.
Kemudian muncullah kelompok Barbizon. Barbizon adalah nama sebuah desa di hutan Fontainnebleau dekat dengan Paris. Mereka tidak mengadakan keterikatan, tapi hanya sekedar melukis bersama dengan mengambil obyek alam langsung di sekitar tempat tersebut.
Afterwards emerged the Barbizon group. Barbizon was the name of a village in the Fontainnebleau forest close to Paris. They did not hold attachments, but only depicted together with took the object of direct nature around this place.
Pada tahun 1874 lahirlah aliran Impressionisme yang dipelopori Manet . Mementingkan obyek pencahayaan yang menekankan pada obyek yang diterpa sinar matahari. Tokohnya Manet, Claude Monet, August Renoir, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, Camille Pisarro, Mary Cassat.
During 1874 was born the Impressionisme current that was pioneered by Manet. Considered the object of the illumination that stressed the object that was jumped at important the sun rays. His leading figure of Manet, Claude Monet, in August Renoir, Edgar Degas, Paul Cezanne, Camille Pisarro, Mary Cassat.